There is nothing pleasant about inflamed zits, because these zits can interfere with appearance and cause pain. If you have tried a variety of ways to get rid of it but it didn't work either, don't be sad, try some of the following ways to get rid of inflamed zits.
Inflamed pimples occur when the area under the blackhead block is inflamed and reddened. Inflamed zits can also occur because you are doing the wrong way to get rid of zits. For example, squeezing zits in an improper way or using an unclean tool.
This Is How To Get Rid Of Inflamed Acne
Squeezing a pimple can actually be done alone at home, provided you have the right tools and sterile. You also have to know very well how to do the right technique. If not, you should not do it yourself. Unclean hand conditions, unsterile devices, and the spread of germs from pressed zits can actually make your zit worse, thereby making zits reddish, injured, infected, and more inflamed. In fact, do not rule out, acne can leave scars on the face or spread to other parts. Inflamed acne can actually be avoided by maintaining cleanliness and not carelessly when dealing with acne. But if the pimples on the face are already inflamed, try some of the drugs below to overcome them. Among them:Retinoids
To reduce inflammation and treat acne, you can try using a topical retinoid. However, this drug cannot be used by pregnant, nursing, and sensitive skin owners. This drug is available in the form of gels, ointments, or creams that can be obtained according to a doctor's prescription. How to use it is to wash your face, dry it, then apply retinoids all over your face. Avoid sun exposure when using this medicine.
Inflamed zits are often caused by bacterial infections. Therefore, the treatment can use antibiotics. Options can be antibiotic ointments, or antibiotic tablets taken. But to use it appropriately, antibiotics need to be used according to a doctor's prescription.
Tea tree oil
Eliminating inflamed pimples you can do with natural ingredients, one of which is to use tea tree oil. The content in it can help in relieving inflammation in acne. Besides that tea tree oil can also reduce oil production and eliminate bacteria on the face. Using tea tree oil is the same as benzoyl peroxide, an ingredient that is also used in over-the-counter acne treatment creams. But, for those who suffer from eczema or who have sensitive skin must be careful, because tea tree oil can irritate the skin.
Even though it has an unpleasant odor, sulfur is quite an effective ingredient in removing inflamed pimples. Sulfur can help get rid of dead skin cells, reduce oil on the face, and relieve inflammation in acne. However, sulfur is usually more effective when used on small pimples that have not been inflamed.
Salicylic acid
This material has an effect similar to sulfur. Some facial care products that are sold freely usually contain 0.5 to 2 percent salicylic acid. Salicylic acid can help cleanse skin pores from dead skin cell deposits, oils, and bacteria. This ingredient can also help reduce inflammation. However, side effects can make skin dry and irritated.
As with tea tree oil and sulfur, zinc can also help reduce oil production on the face. In addition, the zinc content in acne medications can also protect the skin against inflammation and bacterial infections. Apart from being in the form of creams or lotions, zinc is also available in supplement form. But remember not to consume too much, because intake of zinc that crosses the line can actually make the absorption of copper (copper minerals) disrupted. Therefore, avoid consuming more than 30 mg of zinc supplements per day.
Vitamin A
Overcoming inflamed acne can also be done by taking vitamin A, or using ointments that contain vitamin A. However, taking vitamin A also needs to be considered so as not to exceed 10,000 IU in a day. If consumed in excess, fat-soluble vitamin A can accumulate and become toxic to your body.
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