There is nothing pleasant about inflamed zits, because these zits can interfere with appearance and cause pain. If you have tried a variety of ways to get rid of it but it didn't work either, don't be sad, try some of the following ways to get rid of inflamed zits. Inflamed pimples occur when the area under the blackhead block is inflamed and reddened. Inflamed zits can also occur because you are doing the wrong way to get rid of zits. For example, squeezing zits in an improper way or using an unclean tool. This Is How To Get Rid Of Inflamed Acne Squeezing a pimple can actually be done alone at home, provided you have the right tools and sterile. You also have to know very well how to do the right technique. If not, you should not do it yourself. Unclean hand conditions, unsterile devices, and the spread of germs from pressed zits can actually make your zit worse, thereby making zits reddish, injured, infected, and more inflamed. In fact, do not rule out, acne can leave ...